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Every parent should know
"Factors affecting the child's height."
To properly increase your child's height, parents need to know what factors influence their height in order to develop the growth of their child properly. Primarily, the factors that affect children's height are divided into two main groups: controllable factors and uncontrollable factors. Alright, let see the details together.
Get to know the essential nutrients for
body growth and height gain.
One of the things parents need to know and understand more about is the essential nutrients for height growth. Nutrition is one of the most important factors we can define and change for enhancing body growth and height. We can divide the three groups of essential nutrients for height growth as follows:
Get to know Whey Protein,
a nutrient that increases height.
Whey Protein is a protein extracted from cow's milk extracted from the cheesemaking process of casein, protein, carbohydrate and fat, leaving only pure protein concentrate. They are then processed into different products, which can be categorized into three types of whey protein-based products
Get to know whey protein isolate, another key ingredient in HiGo dietary supplements.
We all know that cow's milk is an important source of protein and calcium. But did you know that there are two types of protein in cow's milk: Whey Protein and Casein Protein. One liter of cow's milk contains approximately 34 grams of protein, divided into 20% whey protein, or approximately 6.8 grams and 80% casein protein or approximately 32.7 grams
Get to know the key ingredients in
HiGo dietary supplements.
HiGo dietary supplements have been researched, developed and manufactured under the concept of “Thai children have to be taller”. We strive to select the best components essential for body growth and brain development. It consists of three important nutrients: protein, vitamins and minerals in order to fully meet the needs of development in various aspects. What will be and how useful is it, let's figure it out together.
If the parents are small,
how tall will the children be?
We believe that many parents are relatively small and want their children to be more average in height than their parents. As of today, we have a lot of knowledge that can foster the development of children to achieve a standard height. But first, what we should know is to calculate the possible height for proper attention. We would like to share a calculation method with you.
Understanding height and the
nutrients needed to increase height.
Most parents want their children to be tall and develop a healthy body and mind. Currently, there are a variety of methods that can help Thai children grow up. All in all, parents need to understand development or factors affecting their child's height in order to plan their child's growth properly. One of them is the correct understanding of height and the nutrients your child needs.
What is Growth Spurt and
why do we stop taller?
If we observe our own growth and those around us, there is a period of time when growth and height develop more than others time. This period is called Growth Spurt, “golden period of growth” that Thai people are known for as the period when the child's body grows rapidly in a short time. Height and weight gain rapidly.
Let get to know Lactose Intolerance.
If we observe our own growth and those around us, there is a period of time when growth and height develop more than others time. This period is called Growth Spurt, “golden period of growth” that Thai people are known for as the period when the child's body grows rapidly in a short time. Height and weight gain rapidly.